Course overview
What to expect
The objectives of the classes are to teach you several meditation techniques, some basic relaxation methods, give you an understanding of Mindfulness and build your commitment to the regular practice of both. Also, very importantly, to have an enjoyable and relaxing evening. Steve creates a very friendly and relaxing environment for the classes.
Steve uses a big variety of meditation techniques which you can then try at home each week to help you find what’s right for you. Most people often find only one or two techniques suit them which is completely normal, but that does require you to come to as many meditation sessions as you can so you can find the technique that suits you. Each class will include an element of mindfulness.
It is a very sociable and supportive group and a lot of people become very good friends through it. Most terms consist of approximately 50% practised beginners (people who have been to Steve’s meditation before) and approximately 50% new beginners.
One of the many benefits of doing meditations in a group is the power of the group makes meditating so much easier together. Most people find it really hard to meditate on their own at first which is why coming to my meditation classes will help guide you to get used to meditating together, so then eventually it will become easier and more natural when you practise on your own.
If you have to miss a session, please don’t feel that all is lost, Steve will do his utmost to repeat what you missed and I will send you handouts that will go over this missed session.
If you would like more information or to book your place on the course, please get in touch.
Course itinerary
Week 1
Introduction and breathing meditation
Week 2
Varied breathing meditation
Week 3
Visualisation meditation
Week 4
Kabbalah Meditation
Week 5
Alternate nostril breathing meditation
Week 6
Special place meditation
Week 7
Gazing/candle meditation
Week 8
Chanting meditation
Week 9
White triangle meditation
Week 10
Mantra meditation
What will we be doing in this class?
There is a relaxation session for which most people, but not all, lie on the floor followed by instruction and meditation for which most people sit on ordinary chairs.
What will the benefits be to me?
The many benefits include learning to cope better with stress, learning how to relax your body and your mind. You will increase your self-confidence and become more positive. You should sleep better and bring some control to your mind. See “before/after evaluation, which suggests 20 areas that might be improved.
What should I wear?
Something loose fitting in which you will feel comfortable lying down. A tracksuit or jogging suit is ideal but it is important not to get cold and though every effort is made to keep the hall warm, you may need to wear layers in the cold weather.
Do I need to bring anything with me?
Yes. If you bring a rug or blanket to lie on the floor you will be more comfortable. (some people bring a sleeping bag or a camping mat and rug ). You may also need a cushion to adjust your sitting position when sitting on a chair, a small scatter cushion is best. Also, as some of the work we do is based on breathing so bring a handkerchief!
What do I need to feel nervous about?
Absolutely nothing, there’s even a money back guarantee, so relax!
Steve carries out a “before after” evaluation and, if at the end of the first term, providing you have practised as he suggests, there has been no improvement, he guarantees your fees will be returned.
“Peace begins from within, if you are not peaceful inside, the world you see will be chaotic”
— Unknown